Homes Tasmania is continuing to support vulnerable Tasmanians with the completion of the $20 million replacement for Bethlehem House.

The new Bethlehem House provides 50 beds for Hobart men who are homeless.
The new building is a fit-for-purpose and contemporary accommodation facility that provides 50 single-bed rooms for men with a range of needs.
The new facility on Harrington Street, Hobart, increases capacity for men who are homeless in southern Tasmania.
Along with the co-located 24-bed Waratah supported accommodation facility that has been operating since the beginning of 2021, this site can now accommodate up to 74 men, making it the largest men's shelter facility in Tasmania.
The new Bethlehem House includes lounge areas, recreational space, and a cafeteria-style kitchen and manual workshop training room for skills development.
It also includes three secure kennels and an exercise area so tenants don't have to give up their pets when they move in.
The 50 new rooms include 24 crisis beds, 18 transitional units and eight units specifically designed for people with mental illness.
Developments such as the new Bethlehem House are contributing to Homes Tasmania's targets under the Tasmanian Housing Strategy.
Other crisis and transitional accommodation facilities Homes Tasmania is currently building include:
- the Devonport Men’s Shelter, the first dedicated men’s shelter on the North-West Coast, which includes seven single-bedroom units and a separate three-bedroom apartment to accommodate a father with up to four children
- a 26-bed Youth2Independence (Y2I) facility in Hobart for young people aged 16-24, which is nearing completion
- and a 25-unit Y2I facility in Burnie due for completion in the first half of 2024.
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