Homes Tasmania is working to improve the housing market and increase housing affordability by offering more incentives for property owners to help people in need.

Homes Tasmania’s Private Rental Incentives program (PRI) is designed for Tasmanians who are finding it difficult to access private rentals in today’s strong property market.
The program helps eligible Tasmanians on low incomes access affordable, secure and safe private rental properties.
There are currently 260 properties in the $9.25 million program, with an aim to increase that number to 400.
Josh Gulbin, of Launceston, has two properties in the program and first got involved as a way to help people get a roof over their head.
“I thought it would be a good chance to give back to the community,” Mr Gulbin said.
“It can help provide homes for people who are struggling in the current rental market, such as single mums and people with pets.”
Mr Gulbin encouraged other homeowners to get involved in the program and hoped to see the program expanded further in the future.
“It’s good to be able to give back. I’d like to see a lot more people get involved,” he said.
“Reach out, ask the questions, you’ll be pleased with the response that you get from Centacare and how they handle the property from the start.”
Under the PRI, rents are capped at 25 to 30 per cent below median rates in their region. In return, property owners receive an incentive payment of between $6 600 and $9 900 per property per annum.
Tenancy and property management is provided fee-free by Centacare Evolve Housing, a registered and experienced, statewide property manager.
Property owners are guaranteed rent for a two-year lease.
Centacare Evolve Housing General Manager James Norman described the Private Rental Incentives program as “a very important scheme”.
“It’s one of several layers of support that the Government and housing providers like Centacare Evolve Housing are providing,” Mr Norman said.
“It’s something that provides opportunity for people who are waiting for affordable and secure and safe housing.
“It’s a contributor to the solution [to the rental crisis]. There’s a lot of building that’s happening, there’s a lot of construction that the Government’s supporting, but this is absolutely part of the mix, and an important part.”
Property owners are invited to be part of the program by supplying one- or two-bedroom properties close to major urban centres.
If you have a property you can rent to someone who needs a hand up, please contact Homes Tasmania on 03 6166 3625 or email
For more information on the program, see
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