Three successful suppliers – Podmatrix, Davies Design and Construction, and The Bloc Collective collaborating with Platinum Pro Constructions - will deliver the new ModHomes program.

Innovative ModHomes program to boost social housing
ModHomes is Homes Tasmania's newest innovative and responsive program to increase housing supply and get Tasmanians into homes sooner.
Three successful suppliers will deliver the program – Podmatrix, Davies Design and Construction, and The Bloc Collective collaborating with Platinum Pro Constructions.
Between them, these three companies will deliver a minimum of 50 modular social housing units each year for four years. The units will be built on land owned or to be acquired by Homes Tasmania.
The three companies provide state-wide coverage, with two suppliers based in Tasmania – one in the North-West and one in the South – and the third based interstate in collaboration with a Tasmanian state-wide construction firm.
Awarding the contract between three suppliers allows for flexibility and regional specialisation, which is particularly relevant when taking into consideration transport costs and the availability of sub-contractors in Tasmania’s regions.
The ModHomes program will integrate modular housing construction in the ongoing delivery program of new social housing supply in Tasmania.
Modular construction has numerous efficiencies over traditional, onsite building methods because of the unique benefits of the construction methodology.
Modular construction allows trades to work simultaneously without the need to schedule works and travel over multiple sites and locations and weather-related construction delays are also significantly reduced in factory builds.
Factory production of modular units engages a different workforce to onsite construction, creating more jobs at time when trades are at capacity in the current heated construction industry.
Modular units can also be modified to meet the diverse and changing needs of tenants.
Modular units have undergone significant advances in the quality of manufacturing over recent years, offering contemporary design, sustainable features and finishes, and comparable economic life compared with onsite builds.
The construction industry has never been in more demand, and we are committed to providing workforce training, increasing the supply of skilled labour and creating jobs.
The ModHomes program will also incorporate a training opportunity for young Tasmanians who are currently underrepresented in the construction industry. This will help young people access opportunities to build the skills they need to thrive in the community.
The tender is valued at approximately $12.5 million each year for the four years.
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