Tasmania’s first 20-year, whole-of-system housing strategy, with the ambitious vision of ending homelessness in Tasmania, was launched today.

The Tasmanian Housing Strategy will deliver more quality homes faster, support people in need, improve private market affordability and stability, and enable local prosperity.
It will be supported by four-yearly action plans, the first of which (2023-27) informs the actions needed to meet Homes Tasmania’s next supply milestone of 2 000 social and affordable homes by 2027, on the way to a net increase of 10 000 homes by 2032.
To boost supply, the Action Plan is focused on scaling up of supply by increasing medium-density housing and focusing on infill development and opportunities to grow the building and construction industry.
This boost in supply, coupled with a Housing First approach to address primary homelessness, will get people into homes sooner, including those Tasmanians who have experienced long-term homelessness and disadvantage.
The Action Plan prioritises help for those Tasmanians who are at the highest risk of housing stress or homelessness, including young people, women escaping family violence, older people, Aboriginal Tasmanians and people living with disability.
Demand for housing is experienced in both urban and regional Tasmania. The Action Plan is focusing efforts on key worker accommodation to attract the workers needed to ensure continued local prosperity and a growing Tasmanian economy.
Commitments to be delivered under the Strategy’s first four-year Action Plan include:
- developing an approach for ‘meanwhile use’ of government-owned assets and land for interim accommodation options
- releasing 800 lots for residential development, prioritising affordable home ownership
- increasing education, training and employment opportunities in the building and construction industry
- improving the Tasmanian Planning Scheme to facilitate more medium-density housing supply
- reducing cost of living pressures by increasing the energy efficiency of homes
- supporting Closing the Gap by working with Tasmanian Aboriginal people to develop a Tasmanian Aboriginal housing policy
- responding to the Commission of Inquiry and improving housing outcomes for young people leaving out of home care
- developing new and innovative accommodation models such as Build to Rent.
The Department of Premier and Cabinet will oversee the implementation of Tasmanian Government agency actions and the Homes Tasmania Board will have responsibility for the implementation of Homes Tasmania’s actions.
Work is underway to improve monitoring and reporting of activities and outcomes to support the implementation of the Strategy and action plans. This will ensure the Tasmanian community is kept informed of progress towards improving the housing system and in achieving the outcomes set out in the Strategy.
The Strategy and Action Plan have been developed by Homes Tasmania.
We thank the many hundreds of individuals, organisations and businesses who helped shape the Strategy and will improve the housing market for all Tasmanians by helping implement the Action Plan.
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