The Dashboard reports on Homes Tasmania’s performance, including the delivery of our commitments under the Tasmanian Housing Strategy Action Plan 2023-2027.

Performance snapshot

As at the end of July 2024, we are over a third of the way to delivering the Tasmanian Government’s commitment of 10 000 social and affordable homes by 2032, with 3 696 completed and an additional 815 in the pipeline.

Recent data from the Report on Government Services (2024) showed that 13 per cent of the national total of additional social housing dwellings across Australia in 2022-23 could be attributed to Tasmania. This is even more significant when you compare that with Tasmania's population size, which is about 2 per cent of the country's population.

Occupancy rates for social housing are consistently high at over 99 per cent for properties managed by Homes Tasmania.

At 94.8 per cent, Tasmania is allocating a far greater proportion of social housing to priority applicants than the national average, which was 82.9 per cent for public housing and 77.1 per cent for community housing in 2022-23.

The following shows the breakdown of the completed homes and lots of land we have delivered towards the target of 10 000 social and affordable homes by 2032:

113 crisis units

Social and supported homes 1 801 units of social housing and supported accommodation

Affordable rentals 740 affordable rentals

Affordable home purchases 631 affordable home purchases

Affordable residential lots 411 affordable residential lots


The Housing Dashboard report was initially developed in the former Department of Communities Tasmania. Homes Tasmania introduced its Dashboard for the July 2024 report.